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Writer's pictureJessica Wagner

1-on-1 Mentoring Sessions Now Being Offered!

I am SO excited to announce a new venture for Beauty of Grace Photography! Offering mentor sessions has been something I've thought off and on about for the past year. I'm looking forward to finally adding this service for you all!

In my own photography journey, I learned a lot about photography on my own. I'm actually a self-taught photographer with no official schooling. About 2-3 years into my photography learning I met another photographer who allowed me to shadow her and it took my confidence and skill to a whole new level. I've always apprecaited that one on one time getting to learn from someone more experienced than me. It's now been 10 years since I started dabbling in photography and about 5.5 years since turning this into a business. I'm excited to now be offering myself as a resource for other new photographers to learn from! 1 - on - 1 Mentoring Packages available:

1 Hour Coffee Chat - $59

This is what I'd like to call an "open book" session. We'll meet for coffee, you'll come with a notebook of questions, and I'll come ready to be an open book to answer any questions you may have. This is a real basic info kind of chat that will soley be based on what YOU want to know from my experience and business.

2 Hour In-Depth Session - $129

This session will take place in my home and my home office computer. We will discuss before-hand some specific topics you'd like to discuss and I will have some things prepared tailored to exactly what you'd like to learn. I'll provide some snacks and coffee and we will spend 2 hours learning and talking. Ideas for things to discuss here would be: photo/website critque, camera basics for beginners, editing help, newborn/motherhood/family/wedding photography specific help, basic business help, client interaction, etc

3 Hour FULL Session - $309

This session is broken down into 3 parts that will be broken down into 2-3 days. 2 seperate chat sessions + an on location photoshoot with client type of your choice.

Session One - 1 hour coffee chat where we will discuss details of the session of your choice as well as any other topics you have questions about.

Session Two - I will arrange a photoshoot for us to shoot together at. I will start the session by showing you how I interact with the client, then I will allow time for questions while we shoot together and then turn it over to you to guide the clients on your own while answering any questions you may have.

Session Three - 1.5 hour post chat. We will meet in my home office to look over our images, edit some, I'll walk you through my post-process and how I organize the photos. Answer any questions you may have.

If you're ready to learn more about basic photography/learn the basics about your DSLR camera or ready to take steps to going further than just the basics, let's chat and set up a mentor session together! Use the contact tab above or email to get set up! <3 Jessica

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